Customisable gift boxes in A3 format with different heights

Customisable gift boxes in A4 format with different heights

Customisable gift boxes in A5 format with different heights

Customisable gift boxes in A6 format with different heights

Small customisable gift boxes to hold your most delicate items

The medium-sized customizable cardboard boxes are very varied

Large personalised gift boxes are the most impressive boxes

Large personalised gift boxes have a minimum height of 10 cm

Deep customizable gift boxes have a minimum height of 15 cm

Flat customizable gift boxes up to 5 cm in height

To make your life easier

Find the right size directly

Centuryprint offers a wide variety of customizable gift boxes. We offer dozens of gift boxes in different sizes to satisfy an infinite number of functionalities. For example, we offer different sizes of cubic gift boxes, just as we offer boxes with a large surface area, but very thin. 

In order to make it easier for people looking for a personalized gift box in their own size, we have classified our different models by size. In fact, we have created 10 different size classes allowing you to find your personalized packaging in the size of your wishes. Here are the different sizes of customizable gift boxes available in our online store.

Various customizable gift boxes in A3 format are available in our webshop. There are several voluminous customizable A3 shipping boxes available, just as there is a model of a flat customizable magnetic gift box, the Evobox. Both types of customizable gift boxes can be personalized using different techniques. The Postpack can be personalized using screen printing and digital printing. The Evobox can also be personalized using screen printing and digital printing, just as it is possible to personalize the Evobox using hot foil stamping.

A wide variety of A4 customizable gift boxes are available in our online store of personalized packaging. Thin boxes, as well as cushion-shaped boxes, a printable shipping box or a customizable gift box with a window. The clearbox is a personalized magnetic cardboard packaging with an opening. This makes this magnetic gift box completely unique. Multiple personalization options exist to print your packaging, each gift box can be personalized with at least 1 printing technique. 

Centuryprint has different models of personalized gift boxes in A5 format. This classic format exists in different gift box variations, there are a few flatter models, as well as customizable shipping boxes in A5 format. 3 box formats are available in our product range in A3 format, they all have the particularity of being flat. There is a hingbox, evobox and postpack model, each of these customizable gift box models fulfills many roles.

We offer a variety of customizable cardboard boxes in A6 format. Different models exist such as a flat box, but also a cushion box and a shipping box. This specific format makes it possible to contain rather delicate but cumbersome objects in an adapted packaging. 3 models of personalized gift boxes exist in our product range in A6 format. You have the possibility to choose from a wide variety of models.

The small customizable gift boxes are available in different versions on Centuryprint. There are different models of small customizable gift boxes that are flat and thin. These packages are perfect for holding fine and delicate items, or can be used as a card holder box. A wide variety of small customizable gift boxes are available in our product offering. There are customizable magnet boxes, flat boxes, and cushion boxes. 

The customizable medium size gift boxes are available in different sizes considered standard. These gift boxes will be able to contain a wide variety of products, their format allows many uses. We find for example customizable magnetic boxes for bottles, just as there are gift boxes with an opening. We also offer customizable shipping boxes, you will be able to find your medium size customizable gift box in our highly developed range.

The large personalized gift boxes that we offer are available in several large sizes. Indeed, you will be able to have your largest products, usually difficult to wrap in standard packaging. A wide variety of large customizable cardboard boxes is available in our online store. You will find drawer boxes, large customizable magnetic boxes or XL shipping boxes allowing you to send your products safely.

Large, customizable gift boxes are a great advantage, they are very practical for wrapping a wide variety of items. The special feature of voluminous gift boxes is that they all have a minimum height of 10 cm. Therefore, we offer personalized bottle gift boxes, a gift box with an opening or a very voluminous shipping box. In addition, we have several models of printable cubic boxes, with or without a separate lid, as well as a variety of personalized magnetic boxes with a height greater than 10 cm. These personalized magnetic boxes are very elegant and sturdy, and a wide variety of voluminous formats are available.

The deep customizable gift boxes we offer are the mastodons among gift boxes. They all have a minimum height of 15 centimeters, guaranteeing a large storage space. The volume of this packaging makes it possible to hold a very large number of different products. Several models of cubic boxes are offered, as well as a number of personalized magnetic boxes.

The flat customizable cardboard boxes we offer are all very thin. In fact, our personalized flat gift boxes do not exceed 5 cm in height, guaranteeing a discreet, delicate yet sturdy packaging. A wide variety of magnetic personalized gift boxes are available, as well as a variety of personalized cardboard boxes. Cushion boxes are also available, you will be able to find a wide variety of customizable gift boxes in our range.